If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning, you may know that I take a fairly dim view of investment. If you haven’t read the linked article, you’ll want to do so before continuing or the rest of this won’t make much sense.
Today’s market news is that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) made new record all time highs, eclipsing the previous highs from 2007. This is, as news goes, only sort of important The DJIA long ago ceased being particularly relevant when compared to the S&P 500. The concept of Dow industrials and comparing them to DOW transportation stock to generate market signals (that’s “Dow theory” for the uninformed) has more or less been laid to rest by modern confusion about what constitutes an “industrial” stock. For example Microsoft is part of the DJIA, but most of their products are licensed bits, not physical things delivered via a truck or rail car. As a result their delivery won’t trigger business for transportation firms, and the whole point of Dow theory really doesn’t apply. Given that, the DJIA is now pretty much a joke. It’s just 30 big US stocks. None the less, the DJIA lurches on like an unwanted extra in a zombie movie. And of late, it’s been lurching up.
Contrast the DJIA’s behavior to my theory linked above about investing in the US. The theory is basically that the supply of investments is proportional to working population and the demand for investments is proportion to late-career working population. In other words, the older the work force the more expensive/overpriced investments will be. My logic was that as the baby boomer demographic (by far the largest in the US) hit retirement in 2000 and on average started to divest assets, asset prices would peak and start to fall in real dollar terms. So a new high in the DJIA raises the question: am I flat out wrong? Continue reading